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Natural Remedies For Liver Diseases

Some Natural Remedies For Liver Diseases

Liver is one of the largest internal organs and It is the production house of bile which is responsible for digesting your food and absorbing nutrition.

Liver also regulates the amount of fats, proteins and sugars in your blood.
It is the hero of the metabolic process so it works untiringly to remove wastes and the toxins from the body system.

It is much overloaded so naturally it is also pronce to malfunction just like a overloaded machine.  The three most common liver diseases are:

Fatty liver
Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E (jaundice)

There are several other also but in this article we will provide herbal remedies to cure these 3 cases..

Natural Home Remedies for Fatty Liver

Fatty liver (steatosis hepatitis) is the first stage of liver disease which gives warning bells to start taking care of your liver immediately. It happens when excess fat gets accumulated around the liver and causes it to become enlarged.

This is due to improper diet and bad lifestyle oriented issue. These disease symptoms include sudden loss of appetite, pain in upper right abdominal area, lethargy and acidity.
Those guys who are overweight or diabetic are at greater risk. of having this problem.Given below are few herbal remedies for fatty liver that will effectively control this liver condition.


Diet for fatty liver

Cut down on unhealthy carbs. That means you need to limit bread, rice, potatoes and corn. Stay away from desserts and sweetened beverages.

Go for healthy carbs. Eat balanced meals with ample whole grains, vegetables, fruits and beans.

Cut back on trans-fats and saturated fats. These are bad fats so you want to stay away from high-fat meats, full fat dairy products, fried foods and baked desserts.

Opt for the good fats – monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Cook with cold-pressed oils that contain omega 3 fatty acids. Eat more nuts, seeds, avocados, olives, soy and fatty fish.

Load up on Vitamins D and E. Seeds, nuts, green leafy veggies, fortified cereals and egg are foods rich in these healthful vitamins.

Check seasoning. Make use of less salt and sugar. Avoid the refined variety and use healthier seasoning like rock salt and honey.

Natural Home Remedies for Hepatitis

Hepatitis is of many types (A, B, C, etc.) but they all cause inflammation of the liver. These liver disease symptoms include loss of appetite, heaviness on the right side of your abdomen, fatigue, skin irritation, pale and grayish stools.

The following are some liver disease treatment in Ayurveda for hepatitis.
1.   Dry roast a teaspoon each of cumin seeds and carom seeds. Mix and powder them. Add a pinch of rock salt to this mixture. Combine thoroughly. Consume this mixture with water twice a day.

2.   Mix 1 tablespoon of licorice powder with 2 teaspoons of honey. Consume twice daily.

3.   Garlic is a superfood and one of the most effective natural remedies for liver disease. It can help flush out toxins built up in your system. Use garlic in your cooking or chew 1-2 cloves of garlic daily on an empty stomach.

Natural Home Remedies for Liver Cirrhosis

This one is silent but deadly. Cirrhosis of liver occurs gradually when healthy liver tissues get replaced with scar tissues. This obstructs the blood flow to the liver and in time, it reduces in size.

These liver disease symptoms include indigestion, nausea and vomiting. As time passes, you start experiencing severe stomach pain followed by weight loss. Your breath may start to stink and your skin may start to have a yellowish tinge. With this condition worsening further, you get thin red spider-like marks on your body. Your abdomen will also start to bloat and get red marks.

These natural remedies for liver damage can protect you against cirrhosis:

1.   Add a teaspoon of powdered cumin seed in a glass of buttermilk. Drink to good health.

2.   Squeeze half a lemon into a glass of water. Stir in a teaspoon of salt. Consume thrice daily.

3.   Juice one carrot and a handful of spinach. Have this detox drink twice daily.


  1. Liver disease is a serious problem that affects millions of people in the world each year ... natural ways to help treat liver diseases.
    zealous herbals


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