Some Natual Remedies
For Malaria
Malaria is an irresistible disease brought about by a protozoan
parasite called plasmodium. This parasite is convey by the female Anopheles
mosquito. When it nibbles an individual, the parasite enters his body and
becomes in the liver for a couple of days. At that point it enters the
circulation system and assaults the red platelets.
Malaria is common in persons with feeble resistant frameworks or
those living in unhealthy surroundings
This disease is portrayed by high fever joined by shuddering,
serious cerebral pains and chills
Causes of Malaria
Bite of infected Anopheles mosquito
Unhygienic living conditions
Unhealthy food
Contaminated food items
Contaminated drinking water
Stagnant and uncovered water body near the dwelling places
Symptoms of Malaria
High fever
Profuse sweating
Blood in stools
Digestive disorders
Pain in limbs and other parts of body
Types of Malaria
Although the symptoms like high fever and chills are similar in
all the three types of malaria, there is a difference in the parasites that
cause it. The three types are,
Quartan fever
Malignant tertian malaria
Tertian fever
Along with medical treatments, you can do
natural remedies for malaria which are quite helpful in curing malaria
effectively. These natural remedies for malaria are completely safe to use and
has no side effects.
Take juices is one of the most effective
natural remedy for curing malaria. People affected by this disease are
suggested to fast on water or juice for few days. This enables the flushing out
of the toxins and nourishes the internally damaged cells. Eating lots of fruits
and drinking juices like orange juice is highly beneficial to boost immunity
and prevent falling ill frequently.
Citrus fruits like lime or lemon has high
amount of vitamin-C which is an essential element that boosts immunity of the
body. The quartan fever in malaria can be effectively cured by consuming these
citrus fruits. Drink plenty of lime and lemon juice when the early symptoms of malaria
fever are noticed. It produces antibodies that make the body unsuitable for the
malaria causing parasites to live. It’s really a great natural remedy for
Grapefruit is raw form as well as juice is
beneficial in curing malarial infection. It has natural quinine-like substance
which kills the parasite which causes malaria. About 1/4th of the
fruit should be boiled and the pulp should be strained to obtain the juice.
This should be taken two times a day along with the other medicines prescribed
for malaria. It is really a effective natural remedy for malaria.
Datura is an Indian herb which helps in dealing
with the symptoms of malaria. The leaves of datura are effective in curing
tertian type of malaria. Take 2½ freshly sprouted datura leaves and make them
into pills form by rubbing it on jaggery. It should be taken 2 hours before the
onset of paroxysm.
Alum should be dried, powdered and roasted
before consuming it. It is found effective in treating malaria when taken regularly.
It should be taken 4 hours prior to the expected attack and 2 hours after the
attack. Continuing this procedure for a few days helps in relieving the fever
and eases then symptoms of malaria.
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